Biennale programme 2024
Filtered on: Swedish jury selection
8 kvadrat - Kulturhuset Stadsteatern Husby
The world can be contained in a small space. It can also be hidden in a story that starts here and now. And which shows the warm and tender relationship of two brothers. A story that overflows to all of us who are t ...
Forever young - Regionteater Väst
The actors need the young audience's DNA to escape their mortality and, as if by magic, the audience's contract is both upside down and perfectly clear. Between skincare routines and karaoke, the three actors tackle ...
Goldbergvariationerna - Kompani Giraff
Things cease to exist under the influence of play and manipulation. Equilibrism lifts our imagination as the two circus performers take us into a visually distinctive and magical world of chain reactions, where we m ...
Jag tänker på dig (I'm thinking of you) - Johanssons pelargoner och dans
A gentle voice in the headphones guides us through the library. On the basis of our own bodies, we move through the room in a choreography. Alone and together with others. With assignments we are taken into the wor ...
Lyssnaren (The Listener) - Skuggteatern
With great openness and sincerity, it tells the story of a silent child's observations of the world around it. In the audience's headphones, the everyday tones and sounds that we easily take for granted take on new ...
Oxytocin - Backa Teater
Tender and precise puppet theatre with a total focus on the young audience. The expressive puppets and the carefully crafted stage pave the way for approaching the most intimate and fragile issues. The puppeteers na ...
Raised on rhythm - Unga Dramaten
Raised on Rhythm is a bodily total experience where dance, rhythm and music seamlessly intertwine to create a playful, explosive, energizing universe. From the audience's own heartbeat, the dancers take us on a wind ...
Skymningsfåglar (Dusk birds) - Katja Seitajoki & Arena Baubo
Using darkness as a stage, this performance is full of sound, life and movement. It's a beautiful and carefully crafted spectacle that awakens the imagination and sharpens the senses. Mysterious night creatures come ...
Snattaren (The Snatcher) - Ung Scen Öst
Alejandro Leiva Wenger's clever play Snattaren (The Snatcher), directed by Martin Rosengardten, is a thrilling story with references to The Usual Suspects. It captures the audience from the first moment and keeps th ...
Sova vaken (Sleep awake) - Unga Operan
Big emotions and charged musical drama in a handy format. The tour-friendly children's opera Sova vaken (Sleep awake) is about the dilemmas and existential concerns of a child of divorce. The child's cat also has a ...
UNTZ BABY UNTZ – Dansstationen & MYKA
The beats of the bass drum increase in intensity, the smoke machine fizzes and soon babies and toddlers are welcomed to their first encounter with the club space. It's a pulsating, expressive and inviting choreograp ...