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The National Committee 2024

Members of Bibus National Committee 2024

Porträtt av Karin, kvinna, blont hår i pagelängd och ljus hy. Klädd i kavaj.
Chairperson of the Swedish jury 2024
Andreas Ferrada-Noli
Jurymedlem Bibu 2026
Porträtt av Nadja, kvinna i yngre medelåldern, ljus hy och axellångt mörkt hår.
Jurymedlem Bibu 2026
Porträtt av Alexandra, kvinna i yngre medelåldern, ljus hy, kortare frisyr, stora öronhänge och svart tröja.
Jurymedlem Bibu 2026
Porträttfoto av Vanessa. Kvinna i yngre medelåldern, ljus hy, mörkt uppsatt hår, svarta kläder.
Jurymedlem Bibu 2026
Porträtt av Alexandro, man med ljus hy, svart hår och kortare skägg. Mörk T-shirt.
Jurymedlem Bibu 2026

The assignment

The board of Bibu every second year chooses a new national and international committee for the next biennials performance selection.

The composition of the committee consists of highly deserved members from the Swedish performing arts field, and who in many and different ways contribute with their knowledge and points of view. The international selection is composed by an international committee, consisting of individuals who through their professions and network holds a good view over, and naturally sees a lot of international productions around the world.