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Snattaren (The Snatcher) - Ung Scen Öst

Föreställningsfoto med gul textplatta med texten Snattaren - Ung Scen Öst
Foto: Sara P Borgström

The jury’s motivation

Alejandro Leiva Wenger's clever play Snattaren (The Snatcher), directed by Martin Rosengardten, is a thrilling story with references to The Usual Suspects. It captures the audience from the first moment and keeps the suspense going until the end. The room has the potential to transport us to other places. The music and the changing light enhance and lead us into new spaces. Attention to detail permeates the entire production. The richness of detail in the set design holds clues to the mystery. Nothing is what it seems. And who is Kajsa Söder?


While leaving the store, Ines gets stopped, suspected of shoplifting. Store security, Billy, brings her in for questioning, and while going through Ines's backpack, he finds a threatening letter signed by a certain K.S. Who wrote the letter? Who is K.S.? Initially reluctant, Ines is soon forced to reveal everything that has happened to her lately: About the mysteriously vanished dog Timbo, about how she betrayed Alice, and about the dreadful Kajsa who threatens with fire and flames if one doesn't do exactly as she says.

Meanwhile, a series of mysterious fires have been set in the city, and Billy becomes increasingly determined to solve the mystery. But who is Kajsa Söder, really? And how will they manage to stop her in time?

The Shoplifter is a darkly funny detective story about friendship, betrayal, and a rather lonely girl caught in a crazy drama.


Text: Alejandro Leiva Wenger

Direction and music: Martin Rosengardten

Scenography and costume design: Marika Åkerblom

Light design: Johan Sundén

Mask and wig design: Sissa Persson Maresch

Dramaturg: Anna Kölén

Technician: William Wigforss

Producer: Ida Lindfors

Cast: Elle Kari Bergenrud, Erica Karlefjärd Green, Tito Pencheff, Anja Rajić

From 10 years

Time and place

15:30 - 16:45
19:00 - 20:15
10:00 - 11:15
13:00 - 14:15

Play time: 75 minutes

Snattaren (The Snatcher) - Ung Scen Öst - Trailer