Biennale programme 2024
Filtered on: Middle school

Adventures of Harriharri — Episode III - Harold Hejazi
In Adventures of HarriHarri Episode III, artist Harold Hajezi explores themes of belonging, racialization and alienation in a personal and humorous way. In the borderland between gaming, performance, and theater we ...

Artisten - Helsingborgs Stadsteater & Malmö Stadsteater
The red carpet is rolled out and the foyer smells sweetly of powder and audience expectations. Welcome to the magical world of the theatre, full of glitter, glamour and fabulous wigs! You are about to see a real wor ...

Breath in the Wild - Shiraz Amar
Something we've never seen! Tents that dance, tents that move, tents that float and hug, tents that frolic, tents that are sad and happy - to the beat of disco music. It's exciting and crazy - here it's allowed to l ...

Goldbergvariationerna - Kompani Giraff
Things cease to exist under the influence of play and manipulation. Equilibrism lifts our imagination as the two circus performers take us into a visually distinctive and magical world of chain reactions, where we m ...

Jag tänker på dig (I'm thinking of you) - Johanssons pelargoner och dans
A gentle voice in the headphones guides us through the library. On the basis of our own bodies, we move through the room in a choreography. Alone and together with others. With assignments we are taken into the wor ...

PACE – Below Zero
PACE is the first production of the Scandinavian made circus company Below Zero. The show is an intimate duett with the hand to hand couple Axel and Sara. It touches on the idea of relationships - status, power imba ...

Snattaren (The Snatcher) - Ung Scen Öst
Alejandro Leiva Wenger's clever play Snattaren (The Snatcher), directed by Martin Rosengardten, is a thrilling story with references to The Usual Suspects. It captures the audience from the first moment and keeps th ...

SOS - Stormar och strömavbrott – Shake it Collaborations
For the worrying kind as well as for those who never do, SOS – Stories of Storms is an equally playful and serious family performance where reality merges with imagination. The harp and cello guide us through stor ...

Whizz, whirr, bang, clang! - Hav-Anna Company & Teater Viirus
Whizz, whirr, bang, clang! is an exceptionally well-composed entirety and a place for sensory experiences, imagination and philosophising. The heartfelt and witty performance meets the audience with curiosity, empat ...