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Adventures of Harriharri — Episode III - Harold Hejazi

Föreställningsbild med text på grön platta med texten Adventures of Harriharri — Episode III - Harold Hejazi
Bild: Harold Hejazi

The jury’s motivation

In Adventures of HarriHarri Episode III, artist Harold Hajezi explores themes of belonging, racialization and alienation in a personal and humorous way. In the borderland between gaming, performance, and theater we meet Harriharri who literally plays his way through Finland's migration bureaucracy. The game is live-commented and the audience influences the action in this fantasy-influenced adventure game where gaming expands the concept of theater and explores methods of involving and making performing arts accessible to a young audience.


This video game performance chronicles the life and times of Harriharri living in virtual Helsinki. Harriharri is a newcomer who arrives with high hopes of being welcomed into the culture. Despite his sincere efforts, he faces continuous obstacles in pursuit of integrating into Finnish society.

The game is performed live in an interactive-cinema format and narrated through rap and song. In this multiplayer experience, the audience’s decisions influence the narrative – making each performance unique. Join Harriharri on a hyperpop fantasy adventure as he battles bureaucracies and systemic forces of social exclusion!

This performance was originally produced by Stage for Contemporary Performance and supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Watch the previous episodes here:

Episode I: https://youtu.be/VAMZKqDMoKA

Episode II: https://youtu.be/FP8Of8MNT_I

Content Warning: This performance explores issues of race and immigration and uses strong or coarse language that may be considered offensive to some viewers. The on-screen visuals include flashing lights and colours that may trigger seizures.


Creator and Performer: Harold Hejazi

Game Developers: magu & Rolands Tīss

Composer and Sound Designer: Eliel Tammiharju

Video Technician: Jokke Heikkilä

From 12 to 18 years

Time and place

13:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 14:00

Play time: 60 minutes