Biennalprogram archive
Filtering on: 2016

Last autumn, Swedish public radio aired the documentary #minflykt (#myflight) in which Siljan Diljen described her flight to Sweden. She now meets audiences with her personal tale of escape, inheritance and sorrow b ...

Accessible Performing Arts
How are performing arts to become accessible to everyone? What is required from institutions and independent groups for people with various functional impairments to be able to partake of performing arts on equal te ...

Accessible Web – introduction and workshop
The Swedish Arts Council requires all cultural groups and institutions in receipt of state funding to have their websites and e-services adapted for accessibility by 2016 at the latest.

Artistic discussion
Meet the artists behind the productions you just have seen or will see. Hear about the processes, choices and conditions around what they produce.

Barnteater som gränsvakt mellan ”barn” och ”vuxna”
Does children’s theatre exist if there are no “children”? Do we need to start by defining what separates children from adults in order to do culture for children? And how is the category of “children” portrayed on s ...

Byggsats Producent
Together the participants will build the perfect job desciption for a lasting Producer/Production manager.

Chotto Desh (UK)
Akram Khan’s Desh was an instant hit with audiences and critics alike when it was first presented in 2011.

Almost like karaoke but instead of singing alone, we dance together. It´s easy. Watch, mimic and dance. Like Beyoncé, Whitney, Britney and Gwen. With ÖFA:kollektivet

Echoa (France)
French dance company Arcosm presents the highly praised ECHOA. The production reflects the company’s objective to build bridges between artistic disciplines and languages.

Feministic theatre for children
Since 2014, Gustav Deinoff and Farnaz Arbabi are the new artistic directors of Unga Klara. They have pursued a clearly anti-racist and feminist profile for the theater.

Festival Party
The place to meet and talk to colleagues; known and unknown faces in a relaxed atmosphere.

Game Over
When ten years old Lisa is diagnosed with a disease, the kind you don´t get well from, her dad comes up with an idea. He develops a videogame designed to help Lisa and the family to cope with the worst of outcomes.

Independent theatre – anytime – anywhere - Available performances touring 2016-2017
Get informed about current Swedish independent performing art for children and young people touring 2016-2017.

International reception
The mayor of Helsingborg welcomes our international guests and shows the town hall. A drink and a snack will be provided by City of Helsingborg.

JUCK is a movement, JUCK is activism, JUCK is power, JUCK is not oops I did it again, JUCK is dance. JUCK is.

Ljuset i samtiden och i framtiden
The audience visiting a contemporary performing arts production expects that the stage lighting is very expressive and done with the latest typ of high end equipment as for example moving head and projections. In a ...

Mingla och möt Sveriges danskonsulenter
Mingle with the regional dance consultant/developers in Sweden, we are also proud to launch our new website and show you examples of what we work with regionally.

MOMENTS - sculptures of Karin Wiberg
Karin Wiberg is a talented and sensitive artist, who has created, for the first time at Dunkers kulturhus, an installation of her sculptures.

Morning Yoga
Start your festival day with morning yoga at Dunkers Kulturhus, the stairs towards the sound. No prior knowledge or special clothes is required.

ÖFA: Monster is a performance that invites you inside, a show and an experience here monstrous emotions ravages, and where monsters makes room for dreams about alternative realities.

Pavlovs Tispe – ett slag ståuppteater (Norge)
In cooperation with director Kai Johnsen actor Camara Joof has created a performance with events from Camara´s own life where she sometimes fall short, sometime goes to far.

Rachmaninovs third piano concert, called Rach 3.

Pim & Theo (Danmark)
It’s a bloody mess in the streets and a moral mess in our heads…

Plint - tales from a school gymnasium
How can a story wander between different mediums? A three part collaboration set on a vaulting horse; live audio drama, radio theatre and children’s own stories.

Portraying racism and structural racism for the young audience
Are stories about xenophobia and structural racism part of today’s performance art for children and the young?

Life is organization who works though a special set of rules.

Prospero workshops –Developing performing arts for children world wide
Welcome to a seminar where we are developing new scripts for children and youths in an intercultural context. We will read new scripts from Uganda, Burkina Faso and Nepal. The seminar is partly held in english ...

What is it to be a racist in Denmark or Sweden in 2016? Through Facebook the Afro-Danish performer Sara Traore has contacted people with racist beliefs.

Revolution is a performance about hair, liberation and identity. It is a modern fairytale about the bond we have to our families, friends and loved ones.

Rhapsody in Black (USA)
Rhapsody in Black follows one man´s spellbinding personal journey through an underprivileged childhood in the ghettos of McKeesport, Pennsylvania to teenage experiments with crime and drugs to scholastic achievement ...

Run for your life
The climate crisis is one of our time critical issue and if it is great for us as it is crucial for the next generation.

Sisters Academy – Where art radically meet education and vice versa
Gry Worre Hallberg will present the radical art-educational project Sisters Academy.

Six drummers på Operaverkstan
Where does music begin, and where does it end? What does silence sound like? What do you hear?

Sörmlandsmodellen–tillgång till scenkonst för barn och unga
All children should have – but what? That question asked Scenkonst Sörmland after 30 years with Sörmlandsmodellen - the comprehensive county theater mission that guarantees all children in the age between 5-15 years ...

Tea with Teater Tre and Small size
Vad är Small size och varför gör vi scenkonst för den yngsta publiken? Med Te-stunden som inramning vill Teater Tre och Sara Myrberg bjuda in till ett samtal om konst för de yngsta och om hur mötet med konstnärer fr ...

Teater Smuts startar punkband - Motståndsstrategier i ett fascistiskt Europa
What happens to us when uniforms are replaced by polished politicians and who is responsible for the wave of fascist victories around Europe?

Teater Tre och Moomsteatern om europeiskt samarbete
Why is it relevant to take part in international cooperation? How does it work and what do you get out of it? Two theaters with focus on production for children and young people share their experiences of being part ...

Teatercentrums breakfast meeting - get to know the artist behind the performance
The artists behind three performances chosen by the jury for 2016 have agreed to sit down over breakfast with a small audience to talk about who they are and what they create.

The theatre and the school
A seminar about Unga Teaterns experiences building a new organisation where theatre and school meets. Exploring the borders and the possibilities.

The white stage
Which bodies take place on the stage today? Which stories are told and from which perspectives? Can anyone represent anything, and how do we break the white dominance?

The World through Picture Books
During the 7th of May to the 11th of June, the international exhibition The World through Picture Books is visiting Helsingborg City Library.

Transmedial narrative on stage and beyond – two examples from Helsingborg
Performing Arts Creator/Director Sara Cronberg elaborates on her experiences from two projects: The Invisible City – a game in development, and Väsen – digitalisation and creative participation in the transmedial pe ...

Upprop för den fria scenkonsten
A discussion about the free cultural life in Sweden.

Ursäkta, skulle ni kunna svälta lite tystare, vi försöker faktiskt skapa lite ekonomisk tillväxt här borta!
Four people up in the clouds. Here, money is nothing but numbers.

The performance Vahák - violence - takes place in a reality where colonial and homophobic violence act together.

Vår klass
The play Vår klass tells the story of ten teenagers in a small Polish village in 1925 and through the nazi and sovjet occupations all the way to this day.

Which kinds of norm violations do child audiences accept?
A discussion about children's attitudes toward norms, codes of behavior and traditions as they exist in the theater and within story-telling.

Who may portray what?
What is it accepted that an actor portrays on stage? Can an actor portray something without that specific experience?

”You get used to the beauty” / “We don’t hang out – we walk around”
The seminar’s title consists of quotes from youth in Norrbotten (the far north of Sweden) and Botkyrka (a suburb of Stockholm). It is also the titles of two productions based on young people’s own stories from what ...