Biennial performing arts for children and youth

bibu is an international performing arts biennial for children and youth and Sweden's most important meeting place for the sector.
Biannually the festival gathers more than 1000 delegates from Sweden and around the world. Since it started in 2006 the biennale has developed steadily and is now recognized as one of the largest performing arts festivals for young audiences in the Nordic region and across Europe.
For each edition of bibu an appointed jury curates a selection of Swedish and international performances that are presented during the biennial. The selected performances are pioneering and are at the cutting edge of performance making for young audiences.
In addition to the performances, bibu also offers an extensive seminar and workshop program that provides insight into current issues and research.
bibu is based in Helsingborg in southern Sweden and takes place in May every even year. Next biennial is on the 27-30 of May 2026.
The festival´s reputation attracts participants and visitors from all over Sweden, the Nordics and the rest of the world and acts as a meeting point to strengthen national and international networks and collaboration.
Current news

The nomination is open!
You can now nominate your performance to be performed at bibu 2026! Let us know all about your production and tell us why it should be shown at bibu - Swedens's largest festival and industry meeting for all of us working with performing arts for…

Meet bibu's new chairperson Ulla Lidholm
Hi Ulla!

Thank you for a great Biennale 2024!
Thank you all who came and made bibu once again Sweden's most important meeting place for and about professional performing arts for young audience! Photo Jenny Baumgartner

New leadership for bibu!
The board of Bibu AB has appointed Tanja Mangalanayagam and Liselotte Lindahl as new operational managers with a shared leadership role. They will assume their new roles 1 July 2023.