What do we need next?
An international delegation of disabled artists from Sweden and Scotland in conversation with Caroline Bowditch about the future of performing arts for children and youth.
During bibu Caroline has been leading an artistic lab for disabled artists making performance work for children and youth. This lab is a collaboration with Imaginate (Edinburgh International Children’s Festival) and is part of a long term commitment in creating sustainable strategies and structures that will develop the performing arts sector for children and young people to be more relevant, inclusive and democratic in terms of who is making the work and who’s perspective is being presented. In this talk Caroline and the panelists will be reflecting on what we need to do to develop a more diverse and inclusive sector.
This international exchange is organized with support from the International Programme for dance at the Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
Hosted by: bibu. samtalet arrangeras med stöd av Konstnärsnämndens internationella program för dans