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Titta Hamlet (Look Hamlet) - Orionteatern

Föreställningsfoto med gul textplatta med texten Titta Hamlet - Orionteatern
Foto: Christopher Backholm

The jury’s motivation

Director Lars Rudolfsson and Orionteatern’s ensemble have created a wonderful and associative work of art based on Barbro Lindgren's storybook with Anna Höglund's illustrations. World drama boiled down in an absurd and drastic miniature format becomes physical theatre in nonsense language about the vulnerability of children in a rotten and powerful adult world. The child's perspective is a guiding star. It is challenging and wonderful, moving and amusing, breathtaking and astonishing.

Orionteatern has collaborated several times over the years with Barbro Lindgren, a beloved and acclaimed author. As Orionteatern celebrated its 40th anniversary, it is natural to return to Barbro Lindgren's fantastic world and, with love and seriousness, invite both younger and older audiences to our theater.

This time, Orionteatern tackled the largest of all dramas and the smallest of all books, the picture book "Look Hamlet." Barbro Lindgren and Anna Höglund, with extremely concise text accompanied by imaginative pictures, have created a tragedy for all ages.

It's the adult world against the children. There are secrets behind heavy curtains; it is loveless and, at the same time, loving. Hamlet has only one friend, Ophelia. Both are sacrificed in the adults' struggle for power and honor.

The grandstand is dismantled so that the entire theater space can be used as a stage, and an ensemble consisting of mime artists and actors brings to life the mysteries and cruel events of the picture book on the stage.

As always, Barbro Lindgren stands in solidarity with the children, the defenseless. Without sentimentality, she paints a picture of a harsh society that cannot tolerate weakness in short text fragments. A society without human and childlike values




Scary skeleton Martin Hasselgren

Ofelia's shady father Richard Ahlman

Hamlet's new stupid father Thomas Roos

Hamlet's dead father Niklas Lindgren

Hamlet's mother Lena Strömdahl

Ofelia's brother Malin From

Ofelia Nina Irendotter

Hamlet Lydia Flores Garcia


By Barbro Lindgren and Anna Höglund

Directed by Lars Rudolfsson

Scenography John Engberg

Costume design Kersti Vitali Rudolfsson and Karin Höeg

Mask design Anna Olofson

Light design Anders Rosenquist

Composer and sound design Maria Bergström *

Set painting My Leffler

Special costume Hanna Rönnbäck

Tailors Gudrun Rösnes, Magnus Forthmeiier and Annette Wahlberg

Costume patination Ing-Britt Sundin

Ghost Flight Ulf "Poly" Nylin

Lighting director Raimo Nyman

Run technicians Marta Khomenko and Raimo Nyman

Stage technicians Ida Sundberg and Kristofer Ahlfeldt

System engineer Niklas Nordström

Costume technicians Gudrun Rösnes and Mathilda Arnerdal

Carpenter Lars Kleen

Drawings Britta Kleen

Decorative painting internship Elina Aho (YH craft apprentice)

Scenography internship Mathilda Arnerdal

CEO and artistic director Lars Rudolfsson

Stage manager Torbjörn Isaksson

Communications manager Christopher Backholm

Economics Yvonne Dymock

School sales Ester Svanevik

Producer Anna Jonsson Björck and Ulrika Skoog Holmgaard

Publisher Colombine theater publisher

Illustrations Anna Höglund

Photo and design Christopher Backholm

* Internship from Stockholm University of the Arts

From 6 to 13 years

Time and place

Titta Hamlet (Look Hamlet) - Orionteatern - Trailer