Biennale programme 2024
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bibu the Party!
Put on your dancing shoes, put in your chewing gum - it's time to mingle and dance!

Extreme Icebreaker
Don't know many people at Bibu? No worries! In Extreme Icebreaker, EVERYONE is invited to join.

Hands on International networking and mingle
Swedish Performing Arts Coalition (Scensverige) invites both Swedish and international guests to present their organizations and goals, get to know the perfect collaborator, expand their network, get new ideas ...

Nordic Baltic ASSITEJ Network Pitching event
In this event, eight companies and performing artists from the Nordic and Baltic countries present themselves and their productions ready for touring - all in one hour. After the pitch presentation, you are welcome ...

Nordic Baltic ASSITEJ Network Speed pitch
In this event, eight companies and performing artists from the Nordic and Baltic countries present themselves to eight programmers - in eight short 1:1 meetings. By invitation only

Welcome to the opening of Bibu 2024! In the main hall at Helsingborg Concert Hall, we invite you to a festive ceremony with several exciting welcome speakers and wonderful entertainment.

Post performance discussion Adventures of Harriharri — Episode III
Post performance discussions together with participants from the performance together with a representative from the International committee. At the end of the talk, the audience is given the opportunity to ask ques ...

Post performance discussion Vástádus Eana - The answer is land
Post performance discussions together with participants from the performance together with a representative from the International committee. At the end of the talk, the audience is given the opportunity to ask ques ...

Post performance discussion Whizz Whirr Bang Clang
Post performance discussions together with participants from the performance together with a representative from the International committee. At the end of the talk, the audience is given the opportunity to ask ques ...

The Nordic Baltic ASSITEJ Network Lounge
Welcome to the Nordic-Baltic ASSITEJ Lounge! This is the place to unwind, relax and sit-down during breaks in your festival program. The place to catch up with friends or just spend time.

Walk and Talk: Diversity and accessibility in the performing arts for young audiences
Walk and Talks facilitate an unformal meeting on a personal level and assist the flow of thoughts and creativity by walking. All festival visitors are welcomed to participate.

Walk and Talk: Vision the future of the field and reflect the festival experience so far
Walk and Talks facilitate an unformal meeting on a personal level and assist the flow of thoughts and creativity by walking. All festival visitors are welcomed to participate.