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Måns Lagerlöf new chairperson for Bibu

Måns Lagerlöf

Måns Lagerlöf is the new chairperson for Bibu.

"Bibu is in my opinion an important arena to strengthen the art of performing arts for children and youth. An area whose artistic status often is questioned. Therefore meeting places for those who defend this, is extremely important. Performing arts for children and youth have a special place in my heart, and to keep contact with the performing arts field through this assignment is especially of great fun."

Måns Lagerlöf has worked as director and artistic director since the end of the 1990s. He has been the artistic director for Riksteatern (Sweden National Touring Theatre), Örebro regional theatre as well as Ung scen/öst, Östgötateatern, which he also founded 2001. As a director he has mainly directed theater for children and youth. Today he has a positon as the administrative director for Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.

Published: 2019-06-24