Making culture

Making culture – an anthology on the cultural habits of children and young people in the Nordic countries. Monday the 16th September the anthology was presented at a seminar in Gothenburg. Bibu's board member Anna Berg was present at the seminar.
The anthology consists of about 15 texts from different Nordic researcher within the field of children culture studies. Some of the topics of the texts are the possibilities of digitalization, the growing movement of Cosplay, summer camps for children and youths with special needs.
The anthology is based on the report "En gemensam nordisk undersökning av barns och ungas kulturvanor (Joint Nordic Studies on the Cultural Habits of Children and Young People) was a first step in this work, and the present research anthology is a further development and deepening of this work.
The Nordic Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis (Kulturanalys Norden) has been tasked with producing statistics and knowledge useful for policy makers who want to develop Nordic cultural policy and strengthen cultural life in the Nordic countries. Through statistics and analysis, we highlight questions regarding the conditions of cultural life in the Nordic region. The Nordic Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis was initiated on behalf of the Nordic Ministers of Culture and is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Our host organisation is the Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis.
The report is written in English and you can find it here.
Published: 2019-09-19