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Besides from the ordinary program, we have received extra funding and are very happy to announce that we will have a thematic program next Bibu with performances, seminars and workshops all within the field of creating inclusive performing arts.

Theme FUNKTION – to create inclusive performing arts for a young audience with complex needs.

FUNKTION is a collaboration between Bibu, the Swedish project Scen:se and Folkteatern Gävleborg. The aim with the project is to spread the information of the method that Scen:se has developed during the three year period they have worked with this, but also to exchange experiences between several different organizations and persons, to strengthen performing arts in school and the development of creating inclusive performances and to change the system as it is today.  

Scen:se is a three year long project that creates performing arts for children and youth with complex needs including those with profound and multiple disabilities and an autistic spectrum. During their work Scen:se has come to realise how enormously large the need is. After each performance teachers and assistants say: ”This is the first time we are invited to a performance that is actually created for our students”.

Therefore there is a need for more of this in Sweden. Scen:se has in their productions worked with for example Kelly Hunter, artistic director at the Flute Theatre, Tim Webb, former artistic director of Oily Cart Theatre, and Ellie Griffiths, new artistic director of Oily Cart Theatre.

There is still a lack of knowledge and experience in this field in Sweden, and Bibu will therefore be the platform for this in May 2020. The starting point are some different questions: How can we who produce performing arts communicate and make performing arts for this target group more available? What bodies are seen on the stage? How can we challenge the conventions? 

During Bibu 2020 a number of seminars and workshops will focus on these questions and we will also present performances from Sweden and the UK created especially for this particular audience group. 

We will present the program in more detail beginning of 2020. Most of these actives will be presented in English. 

FUNKTION is made possible with the support from The Swedish Arts Council and Signatur Foundation Sweden.


The picture is from Scen:se performance Shakespeare's heartbeat, photo: Martin Skoog

Published: 2019-12-20