About bibu AB
bibu is Sweden's most important meeting place with, for and about professional performing arts for children and youth. The presented shows, together with a range of seminars and forums for discussion, makes bibu a natural place for analysis and reflection on the quality, status and possibilities of the art forms.
Swedish performing arts for children and youth have a great reputation internationally and bibu serves as a platform where the wide range of Swedish performing arts can be presented to both national and international interests. The biennial aims to be a meeting point that can strengthen Swedish participation in international networks and collaborations. For every festival a number of international productions are also selected to be presented at bibu. bibu is a great opportunity to network and meet colleagues and potential collaborators from all around the world.
Behind bibu AB stand the organizations Teatercentrum and Swedish ASSITEJ.
The organization is led by General Managers Tanja Mangalanayagam and Liselotte Lindahl. The owner organisations are represented in the board and from autumn 2024 Ulla Lidholm is chairperson.
Bibu AB is an established arranger (Swedish Migration Agency) and a member of the Swedish ITI, Scensverige and Swedish Performing Arts Association.
With the support of:
- Region of Skåne
- City of Helsingborg
- Swedish Arts Council
In collaboration with:
- Helsingborg Arena och Scen
- Helsingborgs stadsteater
- Dunkers kulturhus
- Helsingborgs Konserthus
The first biennial was held in the city of Lund in 2006. During the subsequent years the biennial has established itself as an important meeting point for the performing arts for a young audience. From 2014 the biennial is held in the city of Helsingborg, on the western coast of Skåne and right next to its Danish neighbour Helsingør.
In May 2020 the eight biennial was planned to take place, but due to the Corona Pandemic the board took the decision (16th of march) to cancel the biennial for 2020.
In 2022 bibu also hosted ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering.
Next biennial will take place in May 2026 in Helsingborg.
Bibu was also an EFFE Label winner in 2015-2016*
*The EFFE Label is Europe’s quality stamp for remarkable arts festivals showing their engagement in the field of the arts, community involvement and international openness.
About the owners of Bibu
ASSITEJ Sweden is the Swedish branch of the international network ASSITEJ International. The members of ASSITEJ are national centres, professional networks, and individuals from around 100 countries across the world. ASSITEJ is dedicated to the artistic, cultural and educational rights of children and young people across the globe. Link to ASSITEJ SWEDEN
Teatercentrum is a national, non-profit interest organization and network of independent theatres in Sweden. It represents nearly 100 independent professional theatre companies. Together the members are engaging more than 1 200 performing arts professionals and presenting about 11 000 performances a year, for an audience of about 700 000 people, of which many are children and young people.
Link to Teatercentrum