How can we create stories for a new time? How does texts formed in an international context look like?

How can we create stories for a new time? How does texts formed in an international context look like?
A seminar about reflections from an intercultural and artistic exchange in theatre for children and youth - Prospero Workshops II.
The seminar was held in June in Malmö and was a collaboration between Malmö Stadsteater, Teater 23, Bibu and Barnteaterakademin.
Prospero Workshop II
Prospero Workshop II is a development and continuation of an idea about a Nordic-International exchange program - a cross-cultural sharing of knowledge within Performing Arts for children and the young audience.
Prospero Workshop II addresses the actor as a dramatist.
21 actors, from seven countries: Uganda, China, Nepal, Burkina Faso, Sweden, Norway and Danmark, with entrepreneurial spirit met in June 2019 and worked together for 2 weeks - to develop new synopsis and concepts for intercultural drama for children, young people and family audience.
The project is a collaboration between Passepartout Theatre/Denmark, Teater Joker in Oslo/ Norway and Unga Malmö Stadsteater in Malmö/Sweden - and with theatres and colleagues in Nepal, China, Uganda and Burkina Faso.

Published: 2019-06-24